Mark you property exact location on the map

Describe your property

Receive phone calls and close successful deals


Upload photos of your property

Add your contact details. The customers will contact you directly

Mark you property exact location on the map

Upload photos of your property

Describe your property

Add your contact details. The customers will contact you directly

Receive phone calls and close successful deals

Step by step timeline


Decide on the price. Compare
market prices in your area
with your expectations


Take photographs
and pay great attention
to their quality


The final stage of the process. Use a lawyer if you have one or choose a specialist from our site to prepare all documentation

  • Marketing

Get your property in order. Make repairs and decorate and give your property a good clean

List on Terranesia

Pay attention to the accuracy and quality of the information you give. Share your listing on social media


Manage the process. The negotiations take place without intermediaries so control lies ultimately with you

  • Decide

    Decide on the price. Compare market prices
    in your area with your expectations

  • Prepare

    Get your property in order. Make repairs and
    decorate and give your property a good clean

  • Market

    Take photographs and pay
    great attention to their quality

  • Negotiate

    Manage the process. The negotiations take place without
    intermediaries so control lies ultimately with you

  • Close

    Use a lawyer if you have one or choose a specialist from our site to prepare all documentation


Decide on the timing. The faster you have to make a deal, the lower your property price will be.

Consider the condition of your property. The better the general condition of your property, the sooner you will receive interest from a potential buyer.

Decide on the price of your property. Study the state of the property market in your area.

Deciding Checklist
Do you want to save the checklist?
  • Our home is an important part of our well-being, so any operation with it, whether its selling or renting, requires a careful approach. Before selling or renting real estate make a plan of action...

  • Valuation of real estate is a very important step in the process of sale and renting. If your property is overvalued, you will be unlikely to find a client. At the very least, the process will be drawn out over a long time...


Check your home for the presence of deficiencies and faults. By spending a little money on repairs, you will significantly increase the price of your property.

Remove all unnecessary household rubbish.

Surprise potential buyers or renters with ideal cleanliness and perfect order.

Add some beauty to your house.

Collect documents in advance.

Preparing Checklist
Do you want to save the checklist?
  • Before inviting potential buyers or tenants to view your property, you need to take a number of measures to ensure that your property will make a good impression...

  • Busy yourself with the collection of documents relating to your property beforehand. If all the necessary documentation, both legal and technical concerning your property is collected in advance and put in order, it can help to close a deal quickly...


Pay attention to the quality of your photographs. If you have the possibility, do spend a little money to pay for the work of a professional photographer.

List on Terranesia. If the information is at your fingertips, then listing your property on Terranesia will not take you more than ten minutes.

Keep your information accurate and up to date.

Marketing Checklist
Do you want to save the checklist?
  • The photographing of your property is a very important part in the process of selling or leasing. Of course the main criteria we use when choosing a property are its location and price...

  • Once you have made high-quality photos of your property, it's time to list it on Terranesia. Terranesia, the land without middlemen. On our site you can communicate directly with property buyers and sellers, tenants and landlords. Therefore, by listing your property on Terranesia, you will save on real estate commissions...


The price of real estate as such, is not the only instrument to reach an agreement. You can offer other options to make the deal more attractive to a potential customer. These may be the renovation of the house, the elimination of certain problems, the installation of additional equipment in the home, such as air conditioners, kitchen or other furniture. If such additional services can cost you less than the potential buyer, they can also play a crucial role for the success of the negotiations.

Negotiating Checklist
Do you want to save the checklist?
  • After you list your property on Terranesia you will need to be prepared to not only open the doors of your home to potential buyers and tenants, but also to conduct your own negotiations, at least to begin with. Follow the tips below to ensure that the negotiation process is more efficient...

  • There are several approaches to the negotiations. As a rule, the essence of any negotiation is the price at which the owner is willing to give up his property, and the potential client to buy or rent it...


In order for the transaction to go smoothly, agree with everyone taking part on the appropriate schedule.

If you agree with the buyer to conduct any work on the property before the deal, be punctual and carry them out properly.

Agree in advance with the new owner or tenant the move date.

Closing Checklist
Do you want to save the checklist?
  • So you have found a potential buyer or tenant for your property, held talks and agreed on a price. It is time to make a deal. For its execution and the preparation of documents you should consult your lawyer. He will help you gather all the necessary documents for the transaction and check that all the conditions of the agreement are met...

  • Selling or renting your property is often related to your own move to a new residence. The process of relocation is not the most enjoyable and easiest moment in our lives...

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